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What is this Wellhead Protection Zone Ordinance I have been hearing about?Iron River is served by two groundwater wells. These wells pump delicious, pristine water out of an aquifer that originates South and East of Iron River. The ordinance is designed to protect the surface and groundwaters that supply our aquifer. The ordinance is not designed to be prohibitive, it simply states the best practices for homes and business that may be built in the future and has limited impacts upon homes and businesses that already exist. Here are the fundamentally import articles within the ordinance: (A) Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted in the Groundwater Protection Overlay District subject to the separations distances in Section 4: (a) Parks & Playgrounds. (b) Wildlife areas. (c) Non-motorized trails, such as bike, skiing, nature and fitness trails. (d) Residential, commercial and industrial establishments that are municipally sewered or has a private onsite wastewater treatment system (POWTS) dispersal component with a design capacity of less than 12,000 gallons per day and whose use, Aggregate of Hazardous Chemicals in use, storage, handling and/or production does not exceed 20 gallons or 160 pounds at any time. (e) Routine tillage, planting, and field management operations in support of agricultural crop production, where nutrients from legume, manure, and commercial sources are accounted for and credited toward crop nutrient need. The combination of all nutrient sources applied or available on individual fields may not exceed University of Wisconsin soil test recommendations for that field. (B) Conditional Uses. The following uses may be conditionally permitted in the Groundwater Protection Overlay District subject to the separations distances in Section 4: (a) Cemeteries. (b) Hydrocarbon, petroleum, or hazardous chemical storage tanks. (Hazardous chemicals are identified by OSHA under 29 CFR 1910.1200(c) and by OSHA under 40 CFR Part 370.) (c) Motor vehicle services, including filling and service stations, repair, renovation and body work. (d) Pesticide and/or fertilizer dealer, transfer or storage facilities. (e) Geothermal wells, also known as ground source heat pump along with any associated piping and/or ground loop component installations. (C) Prohibited Uses (a) Chemical manufacturers (Standard Industrial Classification Major Group 28). (b) Coal storage. (c) Dry cleaners. (d) Industrial lagoons and pits. (e) Landfills and any other solid waste facility, except post-consumer recycling. (f) Manure and animal waste storage except animal waste storage facilities regulated by the County. (g) All mining including sand and gravel pits. (h) Railroad yards and maintenance stations. (i) Rendering plants and slaughterhouses. (j) Salvage or junk yards. (k) Septage or sludge spreading, storage or treatment. (l) Septage, wastewater, or sewage lagoons. (m) Private on-site wastewater treatment systems or holding tanks receiving 12,000 gallons per day or more. (n) Stockyards and feedlots. (o) Stormwater infiltration basins without pre-treatment, including vegetative filtration and/or temporary detention. (p) Wood preserving operations. (q) Any other use determined by the Town board or Sanitary District board to be similar in nature to the above listed uses.
Garden meters, what are they and why do I want one?Garden meters are obsolete home meters used to meter water used outside your home. The water that flows through the Garden meter is credited against your sewer bill (since the water did not go down your sewer). The Garden meter Credit is similar to the water billing based on every 1000 gallons used. A Garden Meter is purchased for $25 and is YOURS to keep and maintain.
I own a Garden meter, how do I report the reading?Garden meter readings should be reported monthly from May 15th to October 15th. Garden meter readings MUST be reported by October 15th annually for credit. The Sanitary District will not honor readings from previous years. To report your Garden meter reading: * call, text, or send photo to 218-393-2576. * call 715-373-8985 and leave a message. * email reading to * send reading with monthly payments
What can I flush down the toilet?Only flush the "3 P's" - Pee, Poo, (toilet) Paper!
Who do I call if I need to dig up part of my yard?811 diggers hotline! For more info:
I don't like my water bill, is the meter working correctly?"The new (black and grey) meters are incredibly accurate. They store data and alert the operators to leaks, freezing risks etc. If you have a billing concern contact the Clerk. The Clerk will direct the Operator to come to your house and download precise information from your meter. This is FREE and takes about 15 minutes. The Operator will share the precise information with you during the visit.
What kind of water does Iron River have?Well water.
The water in my house just turned rusty or it suddenly smells funny, what do I do?"Tim is probably flushing hydrants or exercising valves on the water main. Please remove the screens from your faucets, ice makers, humidifiers etc and clean them. Let your water run until it clears. Flushing and exercising are critical to the health of the water distribution system. These are performed twice a year.
Do you chlorinate or Fluorinate the well water?Chlorinate, only if bacteria is detected during bi-weekly testing. Fluoride, no, please consider fluoride toothpaste and rinse.
I have water running all over inside my house, what do I do?"Go to your basement and shut the valves near your water meter. Call a plumber. Turn the valves back on when the repair is complete.
I have water flowing up from the ground outside my home, what do I do?"Contact the Sanitary District operator on call, and then call a plumber.
I smell sewer gas in my basement, what do I do?"Contact the Sanitary District operator on call, and then call a plumber.
It is seriously cold outside and I am worried my water will freeze, what do I do?"Contact the Sanitary District to discuss your options. If you are able, install heating tape to your supply line. Plug it in during the winter and unplug once temperatures remain above freezing day and night.
My waterline froze because of the cold, what do I do?"Contact the Sanitary District operator on call, and then call a plumber. The Sanitary District Operator will need to ask you a series of questions to determine if your line can be thawed by the District or a Plumber.
What are all those Blue and Green flags with spray paint in my lawn?The blue is water and green is sewer. We mark known routes of sewer laterals and water lines so contractors and homeowners do not damage the lines. CALL DiggersHotline 811 for ANY project that involves disturbing the ground. This includes gardens and tree planting. The old phrase: "You break it, you buy it!" Applies. Call before you dig.
Does the Sanitary District accept hauled waste from RV/Campers?No.
Does the Sanitary District accept hauled waste from licensed septic haulers?Yes, please contact the Clerk for an application.
Does the Sanitary District sell water to construction companies?Yes, please use the link to our form "Water Construction Permit.
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